1. Introductory Provisions
1.1 These Visitor Rules are issued by the event promoter Beatworx, s.r.o., Company ID 08262021, with its registered office at Prokopova 148/15, Prague 3 – Žižkov, Post Code 130 00, a company entered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 239394 (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator” and/or “Organiser” and/or “Promoter”), which determines the basic binding rules for persons entering the event premises (hereinafter referred to as the “Event Site”) and using the facilities located on the site (hereinafter referred to as the “Visitor Rules”) during the event.
1.2 The purpose of the Visitor Rules is to ensure safety, fire protection, hygiene, health and property protection on the event site, as well as to ensure ideal conditions for all sporting, social and/or cultural events (hereinafter referred to as “events”) to be held on the event site. The aim of the Visitor Rules of the event is also to ensure a pleasant social atmosphere on the site.
1.3 For the purposes of these Visitor Rules, the event site means visibly delimited premises of the Operator on the grounds of the venue (hereinafter referred to as the “event site”). The opening of the event site and individual premises of the event site will be specified approximately 14 days prior to the event.
1.4 By purchasing a ticket and/or presenting a ticket at the entrance to the site and/or by entering the event site, each visitor agrees to the terms and conditions set out in these Visitor Rules and, upon entering the event site, these Visitor Rules shall become binding on each visitor for the duration of their stay on the event site. For the purposes of these Visitor Regulations, a visitor and/or the public shall mean any person entering the event site, including media representatives.
1.5 The provisions of these Visitor Rules shall apply similarly to persons entering the event site on the basis of a special contractual relationship with the Operator and/or its contractual partners (hereinafter referred to as “staff”).
1.6 In addition to the Operator, the organising or security service is also entitled to supervise the compliance with and observance of the Visitor Rules, or the Police of the Czech Republic or the Municipal Police within the scope of their legal powers.
2. Event Site
2.1 The event site is used for visitors to spend their free time and to actively participate in and watch the events that are organised on the site.
2.2 The public may only enter the event site, or its delimited zones, with the consent of the Operator and/or only during visiting hours and/or only in accordance with the conditions set out in these Visitor Rules. Any claims may only be made prior to entering the site.
2.3 The event site is accessible for individuals over 18.
2.4. Visitors who present their level III disability identification card and a ticket to the event are allowed to bring their assistant free of charge. This exemption does not apply to holders of a level II disability identification card.
2.5. Supervision over the compliance with and observance of these Visitor Rules is carried out by duly marked employees of the Operator and other persons authorised and duly marked by the Operator, the security service staff, i.e. duly marked security staff, and also the Police of the Czech Republic or the Municipal Police within the scope of their legal powers.
2.6 Only visitors with a valid ticket (festival wristband) and/or other document entitling them to stay on the event site or in its individual zones may stay on the event site. Each person on the event site is obliged to carry their ticket/wristband and/or other document authorising their stay on the site during the entire period of their stay on the site and to prove their right to stay on the site without delay at the request of an employee of the Organiser, a person authorised by the Organiser and/or the security service staff. The wristband authorising entry to the festival is the property of the Organiser until the end of the festival. The wristband may be withdrawn from the visitor if, among other things, he/she violates the Visitor Rules. Anyone who is unable to prove their right to be on the site may not be admitted and/or may be guided out of the site.
2.7 The ticket is valid only for the day, time, event, venue and, if applicable, sector, row and place indicated on the ticket. The ticket is valid only unaltered, undamaged and complete and, unless otherwise specified by the Operator, entitles only one entry to the event site. Damaged tickets or wristbands will not be replaced on the site. Tickets are non-transferable unless otherwise explicitly stated on the ticket. Forgery of tickets or wristbands is not allowed and is punishable according to the applicable law.
2.8 Persons who are obviously under the influence of alcohol or other addictive or narcotic substances, as well as persons whose behaviour endangers the safety and/or health of persons and/or property located on the event site, are no longer entitled to stay on the event site and may not be admitted to the event site and/or may be guided out of the event site by the Organiser's staff, a person authorised by the Organiser and/or the security service staff. Similarly, persons who violate the rules set out in these Visitor Rules and/or who do not follow the instructions of the Organiser's staff, the Organiser's authorised persons and/or the security service staff may not be admitted to the event site and/or may be guided out of the event site.
2.9 Persons who will not be admitted to the event site and/or will be guided out of the event site under the terms of these Visitor Rules shall not be entitled to reimbursement of the admission fee paid or other costs incurred for the entry to and attendance at the events held on the event site. Also, the Organiser may restrict or even prohibit persons referred to in this section from entering the event site.
2.10 The sale of tobacco and alcoholic products to persons under the age of 18 is prohibited on the event site. The Operator also reserves the right to completely prohibit the sale of tobacco and alcohol products for the duration of selected events held on the event site. Information about the special prohibition of the sale of tobacco and alcohol products under this section will always be suitably displayed on the event site and will also be made known by the Operator or security service staff to all persons concerned.
2.11 Every person inside the site is obliged to prove their right to stay with a valid ticket or an authorising document at the request of the Operator, the organising or security service staff, as well as the Police of the Czech Republic or the Municipal Police. Anyone who is unable to prove their right to stay on the site will be guided out of the site.
3. Visitor’s Obligations
3.1 Visitors to the event are obliged to behave on the event site in such a way that their behaviour does not endanger the safety and/or health of third parties and/or their property, as well as the facilities located on the event site, and furthermore not to restrict, endanger or bother other visitors by their behaviour beyond the level corresponding to the circumstances arising from the course of the events held on the event site.
3.2 Visitors to the event are obliged to follow the instructions and regulations of the Promoter's staff, persons authorised by the Promoter and/or security service staff, as well as the instructions and orders of the Police of the Czech Republic, the Municipal Police, the Promoter's fire service and the medical rescue service.
3.3 Visitors are obliged to comply with any applicable legislation and obligations related to the legislation concerning pandemic conditions currently in force and effect. The Promoter reserves the right to refuse entry to the festival site or other areas connected with the festival site, i.e. the campsite, car campsite, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “festival site”) to any visitor who fails to comply with these measures or to ask such a visitor to leave the festival site without any compensation from the Promoter. If the event is sanctioned by competent administrative authorities due to the visitors' failure to comply with the legislation related to the coronavirus pandemic currently in force and effect, the Promoter shall be entitled to claim damages from such visitors.
3.4 Visitors to the event are obliged to respect the rules arising from these Visitor Rules and generally binding legal regulations, as well as the rules of decent behaviour and good manners.
3.5 Any person entering the site gives their consent, without further notice, to the free use of their image or appearance as part of any visual and/or audio recording, transmission or reproduction of the event held on the site, whether for press, radio, television or similar coverage or for commercial or promotional purposes, in connection with the display of all or part of the event in connection with the Operator and its contractual partners. This consent is granted for an indefinite period of time.
3.6 Visitors to the event are forbidden to bring the following items onto the event site and/or to have in their possession on the event site:
3.6.1 racist, defamatory, vulgar, or other material contrary to good manners;
3.6.2 weapons of any kind, as well as all items usable as cutting, stabbing or striking weapons or other items that could endanger the safety, health or life of visitors;
3.6.3 corrosive, flammable, explosive, dye, dry ice or other substances affecting health;
3.6.4 gas cylinders (LPG), food grade gas cylinders (CO2, nitrogen, etc.), metal or glass bottles, containers, cans or other items made of fragile, fragmentation or exceptionally hard materials;
3.6.5 pyrotechnics or detonating devices;
3.6.6 addictive and narcotic substances;
3.6.7 balloons filled with helium or other gases;
3.6.8 own alcoholic beverages, full camelbacks and/or food; (a maximum of 24 0.5l beers in plastic or cans and 1l of hard liquor or 1l of wine (also in plastic or cans) may be brought into the campsite only once, there is no restriction on bringing your own food into the campsite; an empty plastic container with a maximum capacity of 1l may be brought into the site to fill with water);
3.6.9 animals, with the exception of assistance dogs for disabled persons, due to the noisy environment;
3.6.10 materials promoting a political party or movement, or any politically oriented materials;
3.6.11 oversized luggage (normal camping backpacks of up to 75 litres are allowed in the campsite; items larger than A4 size cannot be brought into the site);
3.6.12 materials that promote persons who are not official partners of the Operator and/or any other materials whose use on the site could violate the protection of the reputation of the Promoter and its partners;
3.6.13 all types of drones and other flying or riding models including remote control models are prohibited to operate or use without prior written permission of the Promoter;
3.7 visitors bringing bicycles, skateboards or scooters acknowledge that they may only ride them on the event site in areas designated for this purpose;
3.8 The Operator or persons authorised by the Operator, in particular the security service staff in charge (e.g. the Supervisor) and/or their superiors, shall have the right to decide on the dangerousness and/or unsuitability of individual items brought by a visitor to the event site upon entering the event site or at any time after the visitor has entered the event site. The decision of these persons is binding on the site visitor. Persons in possession of dangerous and/or inappropriate items within the meaning of this section are required to leave such items outside the event site on their own responsibility. Otherwise, persons in possession of dangerous and/or inappropriate items within the meaning of this section shall no longer be entitled to stay on the site and may not be admitted to the site and/or may be guided out of the site by the Promoter's staff, a person authorised by the Promoter and/or the security service staff.
3.9 Visitors are obliged to allow the Operator's staff, persons authorised by the Operator and/or security service staff to inspect the items and luggage brought in in order to check the compliance with the previous section. If a visitor refuses to be searched in accordance with this section, then they may not be admitted to the event site and/or may be guided out of the event site.
3.10 Visitors to the event agree to a security search for the purpose of checking the compliance with these Visitor Rules, both luggage searches and personal searches by the Operator's staff, persons authorised by the Operator and/or security service staff.
3.11 As part of the security search, visitors to the site may be subjected to checks, for example by means of technical equipment designed for that purpose. If a visitor refuses a security check in accordance with this section, they may not be admitted to the event site and/or may be guided out of the event site.
3.12 Every visitor is obliged to show their ticket or other authorising document upon entering the site without being asked and during their stay on the site to the organising or security service staff for checking. At the request of the organising or security service staff, the visitor shall be obliged to show their ID card or other proof of identity upon entering the site and at any time during their stay on the site. Anyone who is unable to prove their identity may be guided out of the site or may not be allowed to enter the site.
3.13 Members of the organising or security service staff as well as the Police of the Czech Republic and the Municipal Police are authorised to carry out – upon entering the site, and in justified cases at any time during their stay on the site, the examination and search of persons to check the observation of the prohibition of bringing items according to the Visitor Rules or to minimise the security risk for the event. The obligation to undergo a search also applies to luggage brought in and allows for the inspection of individual items brought in.
3.14 Every visitor to the site is obliged to behave in such a way as to avoid damage to the site, its equipment or damage to the property or health of other persons, and is also obliged to maintain cleanliness and order on the site. All visitors to the site are also obliged not to restrict or bother other persons by their behaviour while watching the event that is currently taking place on the site.
3.15 Visitors are obliged to comply with the regulations and instructions of the organising or security service staff as well as the Police of the Czech Republic, Municipal Police, firefighters, rescue services.
3.16 Visitors to the site are obliged to respect the generally binding regulations, rules of decent behaviour and good manners, i.e. courtesy and consideration, and are obliged to refrain from any manifestations of interpersonal, racial, religious or political intolerance. In the event of a breach or disregard of this section, a visitor committing an obviously prohibited act may be immediately guided out of the site without prior warning.
3.17 All entrances and exits as well as escape routes from the site must be kept clear at all times and every visitor to the site is obliged to adapt their behaviour to this fact.
3.18 Visitors are not allowed to:
a/ express, spread or publicly manifest racist, defamatory, vulgar or immoral slogans or displays,
b/ climb up or over structures and equipment not intended for general use, in particular facades, fences, walls, stage fences, barriers, lighting equipment, camera stands, trees, poles of any kind, and climb the roofs,
c/ enter areas that are not permitted for visitors (e.g. backstage, vendors' facilities) or enter areas where visitors do not have a valid permit (ticket),
d/ throw objects or liquids of any kind at other visitors or on the stage,
e/ light up or ignite pyrotechnic products (i.e. especially fireworks, flares, smoke bombs, maroons, sky lanterns, etc.), set fires,
f/ destroy facilities and equipment on the site,
g/ sell tickets and any merchandise promoting the Let It Roll brand without permission,
h/ write, paste or paint over buildings and equipment on the site,
i/ relieve themselves outside the toilets or soil the site in any other way, in particular by throwing things away,
j/ drive on designated roads and areas without special permission,
k/ take or use photographs and/or audio or visual recordings of the site and of the event and performances on the site for commercial purposes in any way without prior written consent of the Promoter.
3.19 Visitors to the event are also not allowed to:
3.19.1 bring their own loudspeakers above the maximum power of 20W, electrical aggregates, any tools and any material intended for the construction of shelters, sails and unsecured structures into the campsite (only a 3x3m scissor tent is allowed);
3.19.2 promote any political party or movement, product or service;
3.19.3 sit and/or lie and/or stand and/or kneel on barriers, fences, foot barriers and other devices or technical means of the Promoter and its suppliers that are not expressly intended for the above activities; furthermore, cross any fencing, warning tapes or other types of barriers placed on the site of the event; in case of violation of this prohibition, the Promoter shall not be liable for any damage to property or health resulting from such violation;
3.19.4 smoke in rented tents, big tops and any other areas with shelter;
3.19.5 arbitrarily move or otherwise handle the facilities and/or equipment of the Promoter and its suppliers located on the site;
3.19.6 handle water, electricity, air, or other equipment on the event site in any way;
3.19.7 destroy any equipment and facilities located on the event site, including park trees and grasses;
3.19.8 write, paste or paint over any facilities, equipment or roads on the event site;
3.19.9 enter the premises without prior consent or instruction from the Operator;
3.19.10 threaten and/or commit violence against an individual and/or a group of persons and/or incite others to do so;
3.19.11 sleep in a car in the reserved parking space;
3.19.12 park anywhere other than in the reserved parking space.
3.20 With regard to fire protection, visitors and event staff are particularly obliged to:
3.20.1 act in such a way as to prevent the start and/or spread of fire;
3.20.2 respect the prohibition of lighting and handling open flames, igniting and/or igniting any pyrotechnics on the event site or its neighbourhood;
3.20.3 if a fire is detected, proceed in accordance with the fire alarm guideline;
3.20.4 respect the prohibition of lighting fires on the entire event site;
3.20.5 respect the ban on the use of barbecues on the entire event site outside the official designated areas. The official barbecue areas are reserved only in the campsites and are determined exclusively by the Promoter. Such areas are always marked with the sign “Grill Zone”. Only solid fuel barbecues are permitted; barbecues using compressed gas cylinders are prohibited;
3.20.6 respect the regulations in force during the festival when using barbecues, especially Central Bohemian Region Regulation No. 3/2020 on the establishment of conditions to ensure fire protection in times of increased risk of fire. The Promoter has the authority to close the barbecue areas at any time, especially in the case of the application of Central Bohemian Region Regulation No. 3/2020;
3.20.7 respect the ban on smoking and handling open fires in tents in campsites on the event site;
3.20.8 respect the ban on filling balloons with gases which, when mixed with air, form an explosive or flammable mixture;
3.20.9 respect the ban on releasing “sky lanterns”, also known as “flying wishes”.
3.21 Visitors are not permitted to conduct any business or similar activity on the event site without prior written consent and/or in contravention of the terms of the Operator's written consent, or to distribute and/or sell any items to other visitors, including newspapers, magazines, printed materials, advertising brochures, etc., or to store any items inside the site.
3.22 Upon entering the individual parts of the event site, visitors are acquainted with the operating rules/conditions of the relevant area and are obliged to follow these operating rules/conditions in the relevant area and respect the instructions of the Promoter, or persons authorised by them.
3.23 Anyone who violates any of the provisions of Article 3 is obliged to pay to the Promoter a contractual penalty of CZK 5,000 for each individual violation, payable immediately after the violation has been detected. The right to claim for damages shall not affected thereby.
4. Liability for Damage
4.1 Visitors enter and use the event site at their own risk and are obliged to act in such a way as to prevent damage to their own health and/or property and that of third parties. The Promoter assumes no liability whatsoever for any damage to health and/or property caused to a visitor by the fault of another visitor and/or visitors, whether intentional or unintentional, by which the damage is caused. Damages can only be claimed directly against the person(s) who caused the damage in question by their actions.
4.2 Visitors are obliged to leave their belongings only in places directly designated for this purpose by the Operator. The Operator is not responsible for the loss of items outside the places reserved for storage or safekeeping. Items left outside the places reserved for this purpose by the Operator may be removed by the Operator for safety reasons and will be disposed of by the Operator in accordance with generally binding legal regulations.
4.3 Visitors are obliged to hand over all items found on the site to the Operator, the person authorised by the Operator and/or the security service staff. In the event that visitors find any suspicious items on the site, or items that are likely to endanger the property, lives and/or health of third parties, they are obliged to immediately inform the Operator, the persons authorised by the Operator, or the security service staff. Each visitor shall be liable to the Operator and/or any third party for damage resulting from their violation of the rules arising from these Visitor Rules and/or other binding legal regulations.
4.4 The Operator shall be entitled to require a visitor to surrender any item which has caused injury and/or damage to the Operator and/or any third party.
4.5 Visitors are obliged to inform the Operator and/or security service staff of any injuries and/or damage on the event site.
4.6 In case of evacuation of the event site or its parts, or other emergency situations, visitors are obliged to follow the “Fire Evacuation Plan” and “Fire Alarm Guidelines” and to follow the instructions of the Operator, persons authorised by the Operator, security service staff and/or the integrated rescue system staff.
5. Audio-Visual Recordings and Site Monitoring
5.1 Visitors acknowledge that the Promoter makes visual or audiovisual recordings of the event on the site. These recordings are made while respecting the necessary level of privacy of visitors, but visitors are not specifically asked for their explicit consent nor are they individually notified of the recording. Visitors further acknowledge that the Promoter uses these recordings for its own self-presentation, in particular by publishing them on its website and YouTube. The Promoter shall accept any explicit disapproval to recording shown by a visitor who is being recorded; such a disapproval must be communicated verbally to the person who is recording on behalf of the Promoter in a manner that does not cast doubt on what the visitor is requesting.
5.2 The Promoter shall not be liable or responsible for any claims in connection with the possible unlawful making and possible further processing of visual and audiovisual recordings by other visitors. It also allows accredited journalists, reporters of television and radio stations and other persons carrying out journalistic and publicity activities to enter the event site and make such recordings.
5.3 The site is monitored by security cameras. Visitors are informed about this via information boards. Visual recordings may be used by the Promoter to investigate a crime or security incident by handing it over to law enforcement authorities, the municipal police or the insurance company. It shall not process the stored visual recording itself.
6. Final Provisions
6.1 The Operator has the right to make an appropriate amendment to the Visitor Rules in the event of a reasonable need for change (in particular following developments in the legal environment, changes in the approach of the competent supervisory authority, in order to improve the quality of the services provided, etc.). In such a case, the Operator shall publish the new version of the Visitor Rules on the website, always well in advance of their effective date. Should any provision of the Visitor Rules become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected.
6.2 The Visitor Rules comes into effect as of 24 May 2024.